I love him so much it is killing me...��������
don't worry,
I am fine.
but you haven't left my mind
I love you so much that it's killing me.
I see how perfect you are
I see the sparkle in you're eyes.
I wish you would love me as I have loved you for so many years but you will not and that is ok.




*raises hand*
I think I literally heard my heart break.... :/
I have to sit by the girl that hates me in English. fml.
and at the end of the night I still end up crying...
god I'm fucking done.
i dont know anymore... i try so hard not to freak out but a freak out happens everyday.  it sucks because no matter how much i want to have control over them i cant.  i sit there grabbing my hair thinking of why am i still here what did i do wrong and self harming.  it happens for hours on end.  one girl. one girl made these freak out happen so much. ...i cant do it anymore...
I do not know why I fell for her, but i did.  mayne it was how she said i love you.  maybe its because if how she makes me feel.  i dont know.  what i do know is that i love her.  she is not mine but i wish she was.  i want to hold her and call her mine.  i want to give her the world. i want to show her how perfect she is.